Lichtenstein - Series

Roy Lichtenstein was a Pop Art painter whose works, in a style derived from comic strips, portray the trivialization of culture endemic in contemporary American life. Using bright, strident colors and techniques borrowed from the printing industry, he ironically incorporates mass-produced emotions and objects into highly sophisticated references to art history.

Primary colors-red, yellow and blue, heavily outlined in black-became his favorites. Instead of shades of color, he used the benday dot, a method by which an image is created, and its density of tone modulated in printing. Sometimes he selected a comic-strip scene, recomposed it, projected it onto his canvas and stenciled in the dots. "I want my painting to look as if it had been programmed," Lichtenstein explained. Despite the fact that many of his paintings are relatively small, Lichtenstein's method of handling his subject matter conveys a sense of monumental size. His images seem massive.

Since 1962, he turned to the work of artists such as Picasso, Mondrian and even Monet as inspiration for his work. In the mid-1960s, he also painted sunsets and landscapes in his by-now familiar style. "I'm interested in portraying a sort of anti-sensibility that pervades society," Lichtenstein says, summing up his work.

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Lichtenstein - Series artwork

Water Lilies Series, 1992

Lichtenstein - Series artwork

Nude Series ,1994

Lichtenstein - Series artwork

Landscapes Series, 1967

Lichtenstein - Series artwork

Modern Head Series, 1970

Lichtenstein - Series artwork

Still Lifes Series, 1974

Lichtenstein - Series artwork

Expressionist Woodcut Series, 1980

Lichtenstein - Series artwork

Reflections Series, 1990

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